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Cognitive Testing

Online brain health tests can unlock your true cognitive abilities. That’s why leading healthcare practitioners and researchers around the world use them, and that includes our team at Refined Genetix!

That’s because we know your brain isn’t just defined by a simple IQ number. Your brain is complex, and there are a variety of scientifically validated measures of your cognitive function, including memory, attention, reasoning, and verbal abilities.

Additionally, you may be stronger in one area than another. Perhaps you have better memory but need help in planning or problem-solving. To truly understand your cognitive abilities, we utilize several different measures.

How do online brain health tests work?

Our brain health tests include up to 12 efficient, highly engaging, and gamified tasks that can all be done online. Leading neuroscientists over the last 25 years have developed these tasks. They have been used in more than 300 peer-reviewed studies on cognition and have been taken over 8 million times!

These web-based tasks provide accurate and reliable measures of the key elements of cognition and can then be used to measure the results of brain training and other types of brain interventions.

Why is brain health testing so important?

Cognitive degenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and other sources of dementia, continue to affect millions of people around the world. While research continues to make progress, there is currently no real cure in sight.

Awareness around brain health is growing globally among all age groups, not only to prevent brain health deterioration but also to satisfy the desire for self-optimization. Decades of research show that lifestyle choices can definitely improve the brain. Even simple things, like finding the right sleep schedule, exercising, and managing stress, all have an impact.

Begin Your Path To A Healthier Brain With Refined Genetix

In order to truly know if you’re improving your brain health, it’s important to objectively measure. Begin your journey with online brain tests, follow our customized recommendations, and we’ll monitor and manage core areas of cognition that are key to your mental health and wellness!

Are you curious to see an online brain health test? Try this free test right now that measures your attention span. It takes less than 2 minutes!

Your transformational journey is all about the mind, body, and soul. Learn more about wellness plans and sign up today.


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